Sunday, September 14, 2008

Time Out Baby!

So I think that Addie is a very normal toddler with her love for her baby dolls. She does all the normal things like feeding, burping, changing, and napping. But her favorite is to punish her babies on the time out stool because that is where she spends most of her day. She always has a reason, one of the many that she has been put in time out for, and makes the baby say sorry. I've got to tell you that it is something that I love to watch and usually makes me laugh. Hey, at least it shows that she listens to me and knows what she's not supposed to be doing. She just does it all anyway.

Setting the timer for baby's time out.

He's poopy.

Open wide.

Typical time out.


Hannah said...

Haha that's hilarious!! And those pictures are just classic. I can't believe she even sets the timer. That's great.

kimmie kimmie coconut said...

Oh my gosh this was funny Rachelle! Addie is a crack up!

Amanda Mueller said...

This is priceless! I love the pictures and I think it's absolutely hysterical that she actually sets the timer!

Tiffany said...

I think it's secret trick of toddlers to not let on that they know better and just want to do things they shouldn't anyway. I'm glad mine isn't the only one!

brooke said...

I love that she puts her dolls on time-out. Sienna likes to put Chloe on time out for no apparent reason. Totally makes me laugh!